Monday, 26 April 2010

Indicator Momemtum In Time

This forex indicator shows the price movement relative to a chosen time point (zero line). As a reference point used the opening price of the day.  Well, it is clear that using this forex indicator should be on the ?F at least 4 hours.
The indicator used by the strategy of the book by Larry Williams' "Long-Term Secrets Short-Term Trading.

Range - it's all the distance traveled by an asset during the day, week, month, year - maybe even one minute. Think of the range as the distance traversed at any price you have studied time period.
For small bands, followed by big bands, big bands, followed by a small range.  It's like clockwork and its main key to profitable short-term trading.
Do not need no fortune teller, to inflate the existing facts or pull their ears.  What is - that is, always was and always will be - we constantly receive sig nal of the lucrative bars with different large range, thanks to earlier warnings from the small ranges.
An absolute truism on days with a large range: the days verhnenapravlennyh large ranges usually open close to the minimum and close close to the maximum.  Days large open ranges close to the maximum of the day and closed down close to the minimum.
  This means: in their trade, you should take into account two things.  First - if we go up "on board" the day when, as we think will be a big range, it is not looking for a point of purchase is far below the opening.  Days of big bands rarely verhnenapravlennyh protorgovyvayutsya far below the opening price of the day.  This means: you do not have to look for the possibility of buying substantially below the opening price.
Likewise, if you think you have caught a tiger by the tail - but just such an opportunity is given the day with a large range - at that time, as the price falls significantly below the opening, the probability of a large upward movement is greatly reduced.
This is a very important point in studying the secrets to profitable short term trade.  Do not discard it.
  1. Do not try to buy during large price fall below the opening.
  2. If the position is long (long) and the price falls significantly below the opening, go to the market.
  3. Do not try to sell in large jumps above the opening price.
  4. If the position is short  and the prices go much higher than the opening, go to the market.
Sometimes you'll see the days with a large range, strolling on both sides of the opening price, but this is the exception, not the rule.
" Do not try to argue with these rules, they reflect the laws of gravity. "

Larry Williams

Forex indicators

Download forex indicator Momemtum In Time

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